This circuit is converter to use to charge DC12V from the lead-acid
batteries to AC 250V for use in a car, Boats or mobile homes. There are
the output power There are the sufficient power to the small electronics
such as a lamp or electrical soldering iron. In circuit use only six
transistors, transformer and a few electronic parts. So it is easy to
build and cheap, too.
How it works
-The Q3(BC549) and Q4(BC549) both are the a stable multivibrator (AMV)
has output is pulse square wave from about 50 Hz. They will alternately
inductor current.
-And the power section also works on push-pull form.
- When Q3 induct current will have the current flows through Q2, making
Q1 connects the half coil circuit of the primary transformer with the
12V drop across voltage from battery.
- When Q4 induct current, transistor Q6 will connects the primary coil
circuit another one to drop across the replace 12V voltage.
- If you use the transistor in the output section to be number: RCA
40411 will be has the current flows through the primary coil in each
time is 10 amperes. To power output (Way secondary coil) is 180 watt.
However, if the number 2N3055 power output will be have a 90 watt.
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