This is the Power Switching Regulator 9V Circuit that is low current
power output and It has strong point is the voltage input change from
2.4V to 10V but a constant voltage output 9 Volt. We used the RC4193
Micropower Switching Regulator is the base, easy to use and there are a
few parts in circuit. The test battery point for check voltage of batter
or input.
The low power switching regulator IC, number: RC4193, that that
Contained in a small body of caterpillar 8-pin. It is designed for
devices that work with batteries. The DC regulator power supply is built
by the 11 normal parts. By has the 5 resistors, 2 capacitors, a diode,
a choke coil and IC no.RC4193 and that importance the battery 2.4 volt
to 9 volt : 1 set.
How it works
-This power supply has stable output voltage at 9V until battery is worn
down to less than 2.4V The circuits is actual as shown below.
-The RC4193 has a reference circuit inside, is controlled by the Ic
current and is define from the resistor R1 that connected externally to
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